dijous, 21 d’octubre del 2010

Flame/Combustion 2D track loader script for 3ds Max

This script imports 2D .ascii trackings from Flame/Combustion.
It's useful for rotoscopying or working with moving elements on matchmoved scenes.
This kind of .ascii text files look like this:

  • Run this script in 3ds Max. A floater window will appear.
  • Select an .ifl sequence of your tracked footage. (you can create it with Rendering/RAM player tool)
  • Select an .ascii text file exported from Flame or Combustion.
  • You can select an additional track (each track has its own .ascii file)
  • You can select a camera in the scene. (*Must be a FREE camera, Target cameras are not valid)
  • Press "build"
  • A plane textured with your tracked footage and 2 trackpoints will be created and aligned to your camera.
  • 2 additional trackpoints labeled "zdepth" will be created. Those can be moved or animated towards/away the camera through their local X axis keeping a valid 2D Track.

This script has been tested in Max 2010 and 2011 versions.

Please send your comments to:

you can download the script here
and a tutorial with sample files here